Salesforce DevOps
at Enterprise Scale

Our DevOps solution is ready to meet Enterprise expectations

✅ RBAC - Role-Based Access Control

Every sandbox and environment is tied to a branch in a Git repository. All changes are automatically backed up on save.

SSO - Single Sign-On ✅

Use smart filters to pin changes to a "Story" or "Pull Request".

APIs & Webhooks for extensibility ✅

Pin multiple Stories to a Release so that you can coordinate efforts from multiple developers and admins in one go.

Bulk Release of multiple user stories into one Salesforce Deployment

Risk & Compliance -ready

SOC-2 certified

Blue Canvas has completed a full third-party SOC 2 audit with an independent auditor.

2. Built-in history log

Real-time tracking of all metadata changes happening across sandboxes and orgs.

3. Audit Trailing

Export a detailed history of deployments, approvals and related issues.

Deployment checklists

Checklists are templates for manual actions that need to be taken, such as code reviews or other deployment tasks not supported by the Salesforce Metadata API.

Salesforce pre-deployment steps in DevOps tooling

Code reviews

Use Git to review changes before they go live and provide commentary to your teammates.