Salesforce Merge Conflict Resolution

Fail fast, review conflicts, and smoothly merge changes with peace of mind 👌

Blue Canvas detects on-the-fly if your deployment is conflicting with other changes that happened on the destination org.

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Salesforce Field Dependency Resolution

Automatically Checking for Merge Conflicts

Blue Canvas systematically verifies each deployment request for merge conflicts. This new step leverages our inner Git engine to precisely track and compare how source and destination orgs evolve while you and your team are working on new features.

Detect merge conflicts before overwriting someone else's work in Salesforce

3-way Salesforce merge - Power to the user!

‘Resolve Conflicts’ guides you to an interactive 3-way merge panel where you can compare the source with the target, and precisely define what you want the end-result to look like. This gives Salesforce devs and admins total control over what the merge result is going to look like.

3-way merge resolution for salesforce

Salesforce auto-merge - The cherry on top! 🍒

When changes are clearly distinct in the Git diff, Blue Canvas offers the ability to auto-merge without you having to intervene at all.

No merge conflict in Salesforce deployment

Works for all Salesforce Metadata! 

Your custom fields and other Salesforce objects are safe to deploy, with the same Merge Conflict warnings and guidance that will chime in in case of parallel/conflicting changes in the target org.

Read the full announcement Blog

Stressful Salesforce deployments where one change ends up overwriting another colleagues’ work are unfortunately still a common pitfall with Change Sets as well as with more recent Salesforce tooling. There is a strong need out there for a safety net that can detect merge conflicts on-the-fly and raise a flag before any harm is done, and we couldn’t be happier offering our latest feature to help with just that.
Read the full story on our blog

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We are driven by building an intuitive, efficient, and delightful User Experience.

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Salesforce DevOps authentication

Connect your orgs

Log in to your Salesforce orgs and let Blue Canvas keep track of your metadata.

Compare metadata between salesforce sandboxes

Prepare a deployment

Compare orgs within seconds, and select the objects you want to deploy.

merge conflict detection in Salesforce deployments

Let Blue Canvas guide you

Blue Canvas automatically validates your deployment and opens it up for review.