How to Quick Fix:

Could not resolve standard field's name

The Salesforce API returns error messages when it can’t deploy metadata. Learn more about the error, understand its root-cause and discover how you can fix the problem.

In this article, we'll guide you through understanding and resolving a common Salesforce API error message: "Could not resolve standard field’s name." We'll explore the root cause of this error and the steps you can take to fix it. We'll also touch on the importance of aligning features and licenses between your source and target orgs, especially when dealing with standard components related to certain Salesforce features.

If you see this Salesforce error message:

Account.object (Account.DunsNumber): Error: Could not resolve standard field’s name.

Try this quick fix:

  1. Use a target org with the same features and licenses as your source org.
  2. Exclude these files from your deployment if you don’t need them.
  3. Check that none of your feature licenses have expired.

Features must be the same on both orgs.

Some standard components only appear in an org when a related feature is enabled. We often see this with, Multi-Currency, or Person Accounts.

Depending on the feature, it may be possible to turn it on for free in Setup, or you may need to pay an extra free and contact Salesforce support to enable it. If only one org has the feature and it is not enabled on the other org, the different standard fields and standard objects will cause this error during deployment.

Salesforce Feature

Affected Components

Lead.CompanyDunsNumber Clean




Person Accounts


Advanced Calendaring
(or by using Salesforce for Outlook)


Consider this example:

As a Salesforce consultant, you work on a new customer project. Your customer pays the extra licensing fee for, which is enabled in their production org and in their sandboxes. But their sandbox quota is maxed out, so you create a free Developer Edition org yourself.

Because it’s a Developer Edition org, it doesn’t have the same features and fields like Account.DunsNumber and Account.NaicsCode will be missing. When you deploy from production to your developer org, it won’t work.

Other Solutions

If the quick fix didn't help, try one of the following solutions to fix this issue:

Spin up a scratch org with Salesforce DX.

If you are familiar with Salesforce DX, you can customize the sfdx-project.json to match the shape of your source org. If you want an automatic solution, you can manage your scratch orgs through Blue Canvas and we’ll detect the right configuration automatically.

License statuses in Salesforce
Example of license entitlements in Salesforce

Check the status of your licenses in Setup.

If you want to check which feature licenses are enabled in your orgs, you can look them up. From Setup, enter Company Information in the Quick Find box, then select Company Information. Review the list of licenses and check that it is the same on both orgs.

Verify the expiration dates — a license may be expired and the Status shows Disabled or Renewal. Contact Salesforce if that’s the case.

Try with a fresh Sandbox.

Sandboxes inherit the feature configuration from their parent environment. Try deploying from your source org into a sandbox instead of a different edition.

Refresh the license entitlements of your sandbox.

If you already use a sandbox and you recently added new licenses in production, there’s a way you can update the entitlements without refreshing the sandbox. This way you can enable the feature but you won’t loose undeployed changes.

In the sandbox, from Setup, enter Company Information in the Quick Find box, then select Company Information, and click Match Production Licenses.

Streamline Your Salesforce Experience with Blue Canvas Today

Resolving the Salesforce error message "Could not resolve standard field’s name" may be simpler than you think. Ensuring feature and license consistency between your source and target orgs is critical, as is checking that none of your feature licenses have expired. 

Managing consistency between Salesforce orgs has become so essential to a smooth deployment workflow, that this is the very reason we at Blue Canvas have decided to build a dedicated solution that can automatically manage, configure and cross-deploy work across your orgs . This can significantly reduce your headache and saves time troubleshooting. Get in touch today for a free trial!


What does the Salesforce error "Could not resolve standard field's name" mean?

  • This error message indicates that Salesforce API can't deploy metadata because the feature licenses and standard components do not match between the source and target orgs.

How can I fix the error "Could not resolve standard field's name"?

  • The first step to fix this error is to ensure that your target org has the same features and licenses as your source org. Other steps include excluding unnecessary files from your deployment, checking for expired licenses, and ensuring that related features are enabled for standard components to appear in an org.

What should I do if the "Could not resolve standard field's name" error occurs because of a mismatch in features between orgs?

  • Depending on the feature, it might be possible to enable it for free in Setup. Alternatively, you may need to pay an extra fee and contact Salesforce support for its activation.

What are some other solutions if the quick fix doesn't solve the issue?

  • If the initial steps don't help, you can consider other options such as spinning up a scratch org with Salesforce DX, checking the status of your licenses in Setup, trying with a fresh Sandbox, or refreshing the license entitlements of your sandbox.

How can I check which feature licenses are enabled in my orgs?

  • You can review the list of licenses from Setup. Enter "Company Information" in the Quick Find box, select Company Information, and review the list of licenses. Check that it is the same on both orgs.

What should I do if my license is expired?

  • If a license has expired and the Status shows "Disabled" or "Renewal," you should contact Salesforce.

How can Blue Canvas help in managing scratch orgs?

  • Blue Canvas has built a dedicated solution that can automatically manage, configure and cross-deploy work across your orgs . It offers a free 14-day trial.