Salesforce developers and admins are seeking tooling to adopt best practices for Continuous Delivery and source control, with Blue Canvas offering a Git flow solution.
With this article, learn about the emerging and established best practices around Continuous Delivery and source control for Salesforce development, as well as the ideal Git flow for Salesforce development.
Here are our 5 Key Takeaways:
1. Salesforce developers and admins are looking for tooling to adopt best practices around Continuous Delivery and source control.
2. Teams are becoming more comfortable with tools like GitHub and Bitbucket and adopting terms like “pull requests” and “code reviews” into their daily lexicon.
3. Best practices for Git are still emerging, and not everyone has landed on a Git flow that works best for their team.
4. Blue Canvas has launched a new write-up on the ideal Git flow for Salesforce development, which is meant to be a living document.
5. It is recommended to also read the Atlassian and DreamOps Git flow documents to see what works best for your team.
Salesforce developers and admins seem hungry for tooling that will allow them to adopt the emerging and established best practices around Continuous Delivery and source control.
As we wrote earlier this week, we had a great time at Dreamforce. We saw a lot of fantastic talks and spoke to a host of amazing Salesforce developers and admins about the awesome work they do. We talked with people about their successes and challenges implementing Continuous Delivery and source control with Salesforce. We chatted with folks about their favorite IDEs and testing strategies. It was pretty much heaven for anyone interested in software development on the platform.
We spent a lot of time talking to developers and admins alike about the Blue Canvas approach to Git and source control. We received great feedback on the tool and our vision.
Salesforce developers and admins seem hungry for tooling that will allow them to adopt the emerging and established best practices around Continuous Delivery. Teams are becoming increasingly comfortable with tools like GitHub and Bitbucket and adopting terms like “pull requests” and “code reviews” into their daily lexicon.
Though best practices for Git are emerging, not everyone has landed on a Git flow that works best for their team. Atlassian has some great documentation on how they do things, as does DreamOps.
Several Salesforce developers asked us to write up our ideal Git flow and how we would hope people would use Git, Blue Canvas and other tools to integrate a complete workflow.
We are proud to announce our first draft highlighting what we see as the ideal Git flow for Salesforce development on our newly launched Blue Canvas docs.
This is meant to be a living document. The more we talk to Salesforce developers the more we learn. This is simply a collection of insights that we have accrued over five years working in the developer tooling space. A lot has changed over the past half decade. Deployments are becoming easier and easier, while collaboration is becoming increasingly important.
Please check out our new write up. We also recommend reading the Atlassian and DreamOps Git flow documents in full to see what works best for your team.